Demonstrating The Power Of Chemistry
Despite its wide application in our society, issues related to safety, cost, limiting teaching staff has often render chemistry less exciting and relevant to our young generation. Lively demonstrations and explaining relevant laboratory experiments can be used to engage students in high school chemistry classes as well as to the young kids.

Rajat with a few youngsters at a local school in Texas

Demonstration in Chemistry Open House 2016
University and Community Service
Over years, Rajat have served in the leadership position of various student organization like Graduate Student Association of Chemistry (GSAC), Organization for Cultural Diversity in Chemistry (OCDC) and represented the department in the graduate student governing body of the University (GPSC). Rajat also worked closely with Alliance of Diversity in Science (ADSE) board members to include OCDC as a chapter of ADSE. Additional related details can be found below…
Organic Divisional Representative, GSAC
Texas A & M Chemistry 2015-16
International Student Liaison, GSAC
Texas A & M Chemistry 2015-16
Academic Liaison Representative, OCDC
Texas A & M Chemistry 2015-16
Graduate & Professional Student Counsel Representative
Texas A & M Chemistry 2016-17
Vice President, OCDC
Texas A & M Chemistry 2016-17
University Disciplinary Appeals Panel
Texas A & M Chemistry 2016-17
GPSC Interdisciplinary Dinner for Student Faculty Networking
Texas A & M University 2017
REU and Visiting Student Mentoring
Texas A & M University, 2015
Chemistry Open House
Texas A & M University, 2016
Graduate Recruiting Weekend, Student Coordinator
Texas A & M Chemistry 2016
STEM night, Rock Prairie School
Nov 2016, Feb 2018