21. “Machine Learning for Experimental Synthetic Chemists: Challenges and Opportunities” MOLSSI Conference – Machine Learning and Chemistry: Are We There Yet? University of Maryland, May 2023, (Invited talk)
20. “Asymmetric Organocatalytic Hydrolactonizations”, ACS National Meeting-Chicago, Aug 2022, USA (Talk)
19. “Asymmetric Organocatalytic Hydrolactonizations”, CAS Future Leader conference, Aug 2022, CAS-headquarter, Ohio, USA (Poster)
18. “Harnessing the Synergy between Experiment and Theory for a Sustainable Future”, May 2022, EPFL-Switzerland (Invited talk)
17. “Harnessing the Synergy between Experiment and Theory for a Sustainable Future”, May 2022, IBM-Zurich-Switzerland (Invited talk)
16. “Filling the gap in asymmetric electrophilic-lactonization”, Virtual Postdoc Workshop Chemical R&D @ Bayer Symposium, Nov 2020, Germany (Talk)
15. “Confined Brønsted acid catalysed Asymmetric Proto-lactonization”, Max Planck Annual Symposium, Dec 2019, Muelheim, Germany (Poster)
14. “Exploring the Role of Electrostatic Interactions in Asymmetric Catalysis”, Invited Talk, IACS-Kolkata, March 2019, India
13. ‘Harnessing the Role of Non-Covalent Interactions in Asymmetric Catalysis’, Invited Seminar @ Prof. Mathew Sigman Group, April 2018, University of Utah, USA
12. “A Curious Case of Chiral Phosphoric Acid Catalyzed intramolecular Oxetane Desymmetrization”, 256th ACS National Meeting, August 2018, Boston, MA, USA (Talk)
11. “Confined Brønsted acid Catalyzed intramolecular Oxetane Desymmetrization”, Chirality Conference, June 2018, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA. (Talk)
10. “Bridging the gap between experiment and theory’’, Invited Seminar, Merck-Kenilworth (MSD), March 2018, New Jersey, USA
9. “Drawing Catalytic Powers from Non-Covalent Interactions in Asymmetric Organocatalysis”, Asia Pacific Conference in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (APCTCC), Dec 2017, IIT Bombay, India. (Poster)
8. “Understanding the Role of Non-Covalent Interaction in Asymmetric Organocatalysis”, Gordon Research Conference on Natural Products on Natural Products and Bio-active compounds, July 2017, Proctor Academy, NH, USA. (Poster and selected for short talk)
7. “Role of Electrostatic Interaction in the Stereoselectivity of NHC Catalyzed Kinetic Resolutions”, 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, April 2017, San Francisco, CA, USA (Talk)
6. “Role of Non-Covalent Interactions in Nucleophilic Catalysis”, Reaction Mechanism Conference, July 2016, Saint Louis, MO, USA. (Poster)
5. “Understanding the Reactivity and Selectivity trend of Cycloaddition Reaction of 1,2,3 Triazines”, GRC on Physical Organic Chemistry, June 2015, New Hampshire, NH, USA. (Poster)
4. “Computational Physical Organic Chemistry: Understanding Reactivity, Selectivity and Non-Covalent Interaction”, BASF Symposium, July 2014, College Station, Texas, USA. (Poster).
3. “Computational Physical Organic Chemistry: Understanding Reactivity, Selectivity and Non-Covalent Interaction”, Dow Chemical Symposium, May 2014, College Station, Texas, USA. (Poster)
2. “Organocatalytic Enantioselective Conjugate addition of Nitromethane to Alkylidine Malonates”, National Chemistry Symposium, Jan 2011, IIT-Kharagpur, INDIA. (Poster)
1. “Designing New Ligand for [2+2] Cycloaddition”, Summer Research Banquet National University of Singapore, July 2010, Singapore. (Poster)